Healthy New Year – Not Quite!

Teddy Relaxing after his medication.

Just before Christmas, Teddy was on eye drops for a runny left eye. After a couple of days of drops, the eye appeared to dry & all looked well. I kept the eye drops going for the two weeks as advised thinking we’d sorted it.  However, as soon as the eye drops stopped the runny eye returned. It was disappointing.
After speaking to my vet it was decided we would continue for a longer period with the eye drops & take stock in the New Year. At the moment Teddy’s eye appears to be dry but his nose is wet. Whilst giving Teddy his eye drops I have massaged the tear duct. Last week whilst doing this, I heard a pop & some milky tears suddenly appeared.  The pop is not something I have heard before when I have had other rabbits with tear duct blockages/infections. It is since this pop that his eye has appeared to stop running.
My plan is to keep him going with the eye drops for the rest of this week & monitor him to see how things go.  If no better, a trip to the vets & he may need his eye flushing.

Rumble taking up his usual position after medication.

Rumble has an allergy & it is difficult to keep it under control all the time. Late last year his allergy got away from him & he ended up with a chest infection. Unfortunately, Rumble always has a lot of mucus in his nose due to the allergy. He was doing well after the antibiotics & he has gained a lot of his weight back but in the last few days he sounds as if he has a rattle. I also noticed his mucus was a little thicker too.  I went back to medicating him everyday.  This consists of a nose clean, a puff on his inhaler & occasional eye drops. Since going back to regularly medicating him his rattle has improved & the mucus has reduced.  However, I can still hear a dull thud in his chest.  So I think it is time for a vet visit which isn’t something I take lightly with Rumble.  The stress & car journey can make him struggle to breathe & increase his symptoms tenfold – well that is what it feels like when I hear him on the drive home. Very stressful to say the least.

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