The Return of Mr Wild Bun.

Mr Wild Bun.

As soon as the bunnies were allowed outside this year, Mr Wild Bun has returned as a daily visitor. He loves my bunnies & I think has adopted them as his family. We don’t see any other wild bunnies about so we assume he lives alone. It is very odd for a wild bun to do this & we reckon this is his 6th year visiting, he must be the oldest wild bun ever!

Mr Wild Bun’s routine starts early & he is always sat awaiting the bunnies.

Mr Wild Bun awaiting his bunny friends.

The wildlife camera was in action to catch his interaction with my bunnies & watch his anticipation of them coming outside.

First though, the waiting….

Mr Wild Bun, patiently waiting.
“Oh, where are they?”
Mr Wild Bun can hear the bunnies are being let out.
He jumps on the wall to get a better view.
Back down again & excitement takes over. “They’re coming, they’re coming”.
More excitement!!
Yippee!!!!! Daisy.
Mr Wild Bun & Teddy catch up.
After things have calmed down, it’s time for some lunch.
And then a nice siesta.

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