It was a nice evening to let the bunnies out for some free time. First out was Toffee & Poppy, they are a nice relaxing couple to let out. No jumping onto the back garden & no winding up of anybody.

Now usually Apollo is straight up on the back garden but not this evening, I think his tummy ruled.

Peanut is also a reasonably relaxing bunny to have out, he just potters about & at the first sign of trouble he’s straight back home. Molly on the other hand, it was a case of keeping a close eye.

Katie needs a bit more watching as she can be a bit naughty & Thumper, he knows the back garden well & is more than happy to explore & claim it back as his. Generally most bunnies took a leaf out of Toffee & Poppy’s book & mooched & chilled.

Now Molly being a youngster & feeling quite comfortable outside decided to be very naughty.

Hope everyone is managing to stay cool in this hot weather.