
You should always try & feed your bunnies at the same time everyday, whether that be once or twice a day. That way they know they are going to be fed, & when they are going to be disturbed,  it is especially important for those bunnies who have not had regular feeds in the past. It can help them overcome any food issues they may have.

Routine helps the bunny feel settled especially if they are new to the family.  It is not just important with their feeding but their daily or weekly routine. For instance, my bunnies know if they are picked up & put on the desk at the opposite end of the shed then something is going to happen to them. They know it won’t be mega bad but they know it’s some form of handling & this makes them more relaxed about it.

You should never approach your rabbit or enter the room suddenly & unexpectedly without announcing your arrival. I use a simple “Hello Bunnies” so they know it is me & that there is no need to panic or be taken by surprise.

In the past, me just wearing a different type of shoe which has made a different sound, has led them to be on red alert as I have approached. Sudden shocks can be fatal to a rabbit.

Reiewed: Dec 2022.