- Abscess – Abscesses are pockets of pus that are caused by bacteria & other pathogenic organisms (an organism capable of causing disease in its host).
- Antigens – A toxin or foreign substance that triggers an immune response in the body.
- Binkying – When a rabbit does bunny jumps.
- Burring – Using a form of drill to cut teeth or bone.
- Caecum – a pouch connected to the junction of the small and large intestines.
- Castration – The removal of the testicles of a male animal or man.
- Cataracts – A clouding of the lens in the eye leading to a decrease in vision & if left blindness.
- Cheek Teeth – The premolar & molar teeth are often referred to as cheek teeth when talked about as a group.
- Cisparide – a gut stimulant. It acts on the hind gut (large intestine).
- Conjunctivitis – Is inflammation of the outermost layer of the white part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid. The eye may have more tears or be stuck shut, usually in the mornings.
- Corpsing – A bunny is in a very relaxed state. See Daisy’s Photo of Corpsing
- Critical Care – a recovery food which can be given to herbivores that are unwilling to eat due to illness, surgery or poor nutritional status.
- Crossbreed – A bunny who is not a pedigree. Has mixed breed parentage.
- Dentals – When a rabbit has to have it’s overgrown teeth burred or filed.
- Dwarf – Refers to the small size of the rabbit or ears. If Lop comes after Dwarf it refers to the ears.
- E. Coli – Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a type of bacteria common in human and animal intestines, and forms part of the normal gut flora (the bacteria that exist in the bowel). There are a number of different types of E. coli.
- E. Cuniculi – Full title Encephalitozoon Cuniculi. It is a protozoan parasite. A microscopic parasite of the brain & kidneys.
- Emeprid – a gut stimulant. Active ingredient is Metroclopramide.
- False Pregnancy – Also known as a Pseudopregnancy or Phantom pregnancy. This is when a female rabbit mimics a true pregnancy even though she is not pregnant.
- Fibreplex – A palatable paste to encourage normal digestive function.
- Flushed – The process of clearing pus/infection out of a rabbit’s tear ducts or ear canals.
- Flystrike – Is a term used when flies have laid eggs on a rabbit. These eggs then hatch into maggots which then feed on the rabbit eating it’s flesh.
- Gastrointestinal Stasis (GI Stasis) – This is where the digestive system slows down or stops.
- Glaucoma – is an eye condition where the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain, becomes damaged. It’s usually caused by fluid building up in the front part of the eye, which increases pressure inside the eye.
- Infacol – A product for babies that relieve wind, colic & griping pain. Is suitable for use in rabbits at the correct dose. Active Ingredient is Simeticone. It is an anti-foaming agent that reduces the little bubbles in the stomach/intestine.
- Kits – Baby rabbits.
- Malocclusion – Misalignment of the teeth. The upper jaw & lower jaw are not in line.
- Metacam – An oral suspension for dogs & cats. Is used to reduce pain & inflammation. The dog version is often used on rabbits.
- Myxomatosis (Myxo) – Myxomatosis is a rabbit virus that is transmitted by biting insects that have fed on an infected rabbit.
- Neutering – A general term used when an animal has it’s reproductive organs removed.
- Panacur – A wormer for rabbits.
- Pro Fibre – A palatable probiotic pellet to encourage normal digestive function.
- Protexin – Is a highly concentrated soluble formula to rapidly restore the microflora in the gut, especially following antibiotic therapy.
- Retrobulbar Abscess – Occurs when an infection or intrusion causes a pus filled cavity to form behind the eyeball.
- Spay – The removal of the womb & uterus in a female animal.
- Spondylosis – is a degenerative condition which affects a rabbit’s spine. It causes the rabbit’s body to form noncancerous lumps in the spinal column, usually the lower spine.
- Spurs – Spikes that have grown on teeth that are not being worn down properly.
- Tear Ducts – A tube through which tears pass from the eye. The tube stretches from the eye to the nose.
- Tonometry – is an eye pressure test & uses an instrument called a tonometer to measure the pressure inside your eye. It’s used in the diagnosis of glaucoma.
- Urine Burn/Scald – This occurs when a rabbit, for whatever reason, cannot take up the correct urination position. As a result the urine runs onto the fur eventually soaking into it leading to baldness. Any urine that hits the delicate skin causes the skin to scald becoming red & irritated & eventually sore wounds appear. It is also referred to as wet tail.
- Uterine Cancer – A cancer that affects the female reproductive system.
- Viral Haemorrhagic Disease 1 (VHD1) – VHD1 is a highly contagious rabbit disease & can cause sudden death with no prior symptoms.
- Viral Haemorrhagic Disease 2 (VHD2) – VHD2 is a new variant of VHD1.