Hi, My name is Bob. I am a Lionhead and am 3.5 yrs old. My previous owners no longer wanted me and my missus Bungle, so we were handed over to a rabbit sanctuary. Here we stayed for 2 years being overlooked. We didn’t understand why. Then we were fostered by this current family. After a few months of being in this family there was an opening for a pair of bunnies and luckily enough we got to stay.
I am quite a nervous bunny and do not like to be picked up. I think my past has a lot to answer for as I am so worried when being handled that my new mum says she can feel my heart go at 100mph. However, now I am used to the routine and my new mum and dad I am relaxing a lot more. It also helps having other bunnies to interact with. My favourite thing at the moment is snoozing, our new home is so relaxing.