
Hi I’m Cath,

I’m very passionate about the welfare of bunnies. Having rescued & cared for bunnies since 1986 I have seen a lot of abuse & neglect over the years. I was never a sanctuary but these poor bunnies had no where else to go. At one time I had 45!


I quickly realised that very little was known about this popular pet, both by the general public & the veterinary world. So I collated as much information as possible about them & tried to learn from my experiences.
However, over the years I have seen a change for the better, although there is still a way to go compared to other pets.

I currently have eight rabbits. My family, because that is what they are. My family, will introduce themselves to you in the My Family menu. Between them & me, we will share our knowledge & experience in the hope it can educate & help potential or current owners.  There is a lot more information to come so keep viewing!