

Hi, I am Peanut. I am a Lionhead cross & am 3.5 years old.  Before I came here I was given to a sanctuary when I was 9 weeks old with my siblings, but they all got homes except for me so I ended up staying at the sanctuary for just over a year. I was very anxious about humans & my previous missus, Tilly, used to let them stroke her head & pick her up.  She always  said it was ok but I was very unsure.  Eventually, I have come to trust these humans although sometimes I just can’t hold my nerve.  I do like living here & there are lots of interesting things & exciting food. The good thing is my adopted parents gave me the space & let me deal with things in my own time. I have now got another missus called Molly. She is a very confident young lass & I keep trying to take a leaf out of her book but sometimes things just seem that little bit too scary.

Link to my latest updates & adventures


I forgot to mention, I love cardboard boxes!

My handiwork!
Tilly looked after me.
I love a good groom.
I’m off!
Hmn something interesting here.
The ever shy Peanut.
Peanut being quite relaxed.
Thumper looks on as Peanut enjoys a nibble while having a reasonable vantage point.
Peanut, out free at last.
Peanut has a good dig in the loose soil much to my annoyance!!!!!