Cardboard boxes are one of my bunnies’ favourite things. I don’t think there is one bunny Continue reading Best Thing Ever.
Cardboard boxes are one of my bunnies’ favourite things. I don’t think there is one bunny Continue reading Best Thing Ever.
When my bunnies have free play of the shed, just one pair at a time, they do love to wind Continue reading Master Wind Up Merchant!
Over Christmas the bunny shed had two holiday bunnies, Pixi the Lionhead and Gabriel the Continue reading Boredom Breakers!
Since the bunnies’ are not having much outside playtime they get to spend their days, on a Continue reading Paint the Whole World with a Rainbow!
The bunnies are treated to a sprout tree every Christmas. Last year it didn’t go down to Continue reading Bunny Christmas Pressie.
Have a lovely Christmas. From Bob, The Snowman and Friends and The Bunny Shed. X
It’s been several months since I adopted Bob and Bungle. They still remain nervous Continue reading Settling In.
It was Thumper and Katie’s turn to spend the day exploring and getting up to mischief in Continue reading What Katie Did and Thumper of Course.
A couple of weeks ago it was time to start the maintenance on the bunnies’ outdoor pens Continue reading Helping Paws.