

Rumble 2012-2020.

Rumble died on the 24th May 2020.  This is what he said about himself.

Hi I’m Rumble,

I am 8 years old & like a simple life which wasn’t always possible with my mad missus, Bubbles. Sadly, my darling Bubbles passed away a couple of years ago. I used to love it when she groomed my head & we’d snuggle up. I then met Tilly, after a rocky start we now love cuddling up & chillin’ with each other. I like exploring but am quite conservative as to how far I go, better to be on the safe side.

I was found in a cardboard box left in a field when I was 3 months old with my siblings. Only my brother & I survived but I am a very happy bun now, especially since I have met my Tilly.  She is a sweet girl but naughty, in fact very much like Bubbles.

Link to my latest updates & adventures

Oh no I hate being carried but I can’t see so everything is fine!!!
I have a clean nose……..
……..not for long!
Right what’s up here?
Hello Mr Fezza.
Snooze time


This is very interesting.
What’s this I’ve found in here?
So tired.
Just Chillin’.
And again – chillin’.
Hee Hee, she can’t find me!
Yep got my badge, so excited. Off to see Bryan!
Can’t you see I want to be on my own?
Oh what a day – I’m beat!


Mmn tasty, hope nobody wheels me away.


In jail? Might be.