Toffee’s Eyes.

Toffee enjoying the lush grass before he lost his eyesight.

In my vaccination post I mentioned I had two bunnies who had problems, Annie was one whose problem was revealed last week & the other was Toffee. At the vaccination I requested the vet check Toffee’s eyes, particularly as the left eye’s cataract is so thick, something I haven’t seen on previous bunnies who have had cataracts.

Toffee’s eye a few months ago.

On inspection of his eye, the vet could see blood vessels on the eye.  Sometimes this can mean the eye is inflamed as maybe an infection is going on or it could be an indication he has glaucoma. Either way further investigations where needed. Glaucoma is an eye condition where the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain, becomes damaged. It’s usually caused by fluid building up in the front part of the eye, which increases pressure inside the eye.  Not what Toffee needs at all & it is quite a painful condition.

Toffee’s eye showing the blood vessels. Notice how much thicker that cataract has got.

Toffee was booked in for a Tonometry to check the pressure of his eye.  This would tell us if he had glaucoma or not.  I have to admit it was a very anxious consult.  His eye pressures were checked & they both fell within the normal range.  It was such a relief, his eyes had a thorough check & there was also no sign of any infection.  So we don’t know what is actually causing those blood vessels but as he is well in himself & behaving normally, I am to keep monitoring & let the vet know of any changes.

Just for comparison, the photo below shows Toffee’s right eye with a cataract.  As you can see it is no where near as thick as his left.  We are not sure if the right eye will follow the left & get so thick.

Toffee’s right eye cataract is a lot thinner than his left.

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