New Addition

3 weeks ago we adopted a female bunny who I’ve named Tilly. Rumble is very excited as soon he will have a missus.  She is very timid but slowly over these 3 weeks she is coming out of her shell.  I did intend to pair her with Rumble after 2 weeks but she was found to be going through a phantom pregnancy.  After discussion with the vet it was decided it would be better to let her ride it out before we spay.  This can take between 15 – 17 days.  The reason it is better to wait is that the uterus is very fragile whilst she is going through the phantom pregnancy so even though they could operate,  the uterus being so fragile could break up.  In an ideal world it is also better to have the hormones settled.  So I would rather wait & have no increased issues whilst she is having an op. I have also requested she have a full MOT whilst she is under anaesthetic.  This is a great opportunity to get the teeth fully checked amongst everything else. If ever your rabbit is having a simple operation I would always recommend asking your vet to do a full MOT.  It can nip things in the bud if things are starting & if teeth issues are found they can deal with them there & then.  That way you have saved a second operation resulting in less stress for your bunny & yourself & overall less cost.  Tilly will be introducing herself later on this month in The Family section.

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