Thumper & Katie Have Great Fun.

Katie enjoying a shed play.

It was Thumper & Katie’s turn to have an indoor play.  I was more hopeful these two would do a lot more investigating than Peanut & Tilly.  With Katie being so young & loves to investigate everything & Thumper who just has to ‘own’ everything in the shed I was not disappointed, they had a ball.

Katie was straight out of her pen onto the hay & off to explore.
Katie was quickly followed by Thumper.
Katie not knowing what to investigate first.
The box seems a good idea & has an interesting smell.
Meanwhile Thumper is chinning everything he can.
He aims to ‘own’ it all!
More interesting smells for Katie.
A box investigation.
Katie then investigates the wood & pipe.
Thumper whilst chinning checks in on Katie.
Thumper then checks out a box while Katie has a little rest.
Katie doesn’t rest long & it’s the vacuum cupboard next albeit a little nervously.
Always a bunny favourite that cupboard & Thumper is old hat at going in there.
Katie nips back home & checks I am cleaning up ok, whilst seeing what this vacuum thing is all about.
Katie then checks out what Thumper is up to.
Thumper then goes to cause a bit of destruction at another favourite haunt – the desk.
After all that investigation work it’s time for a siesta.

All in all I think they both loved messing about amongst the boxes & getting up high on things. They still had access to the outdoors but it was much more fun to play indoors.

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