Now winter is almost upon us the bunnies’ outdoor pens will be shut off soon to let them rest & have maintenance done ready for next spring. To stop the bunnies from getting bored I make up an indoor play area using their outdoor pipes (fully cleaned) & lots of other interesting things for them.

First up to try out the new area was Tilly & Peanut.

Of course there was the rest of the shed to explore too.

All in all I don’t think they were too impressed by the new set up, they spent very little time there after their initial investigation. I think it’s most likely because they still had access to the outside & also needed to mark the rest of the shed as theirs after the last bunnies played in the shed. What I was most pleased about was Tilly moving about normally & jumping onto the block of wood, I have recently upped her painkillers as she seemed to be having issues again. Her back legs are weaker than they used to be, so it was good to see the painkillers are working again.