At Patch’s last visit to the vet, it was decided that she can upgrade to a larger pen. The complications of this were that Patch had to be somewhere she couldn’t slip, catch her leg in anything & couldn’t bang her leg on anything hard. After careful thought I decided Patch was going to have to have a special pen built for her. The pen would be built up approximately 10cm from the bottom so she couldn’t catch her leg in the mesh & the normal 2×2 that is found in all the other pens wouldn’t be there for her to give the leg a sharp bang. It would also mean that Patch could see over the 10cms, this is very important to Patch for her mental wellbeing. She likes to see what is going on especially as she has been restricted for so long. The flooring used was the gym matting. No box, not even a cardboard box was used for a bed as I felt it was too risky. So she has a blanket over one third of her pen to give some feel of shelter.

I changed the puppy pads pretty quickly as I felt Patch slid slightly on them. I initially left just the gym matting as the flooring but that also I thought she slipped too much on. As it stands at the moment, Patch is in her new pen, on carpet & gets good grip. However, since the pin has been removed she still isn’t weight bearing enough on it & the urine burn is continuing.