Last Sunday after a day of playing outside in her pen & enjoying herself, Tilly came in for her tea. I was shocked to see Tilly had a head tilt.

The first thought that popped into my head was that she had E. Cuniculi, something you don’t mess about with. I immediately gave her a dose of Panacur & then thinking it could also have the potential to be an ear infection I also gave her a dose of Metacam to help with any inflammation. Neither would harm her if it turned out not to be either. I monitored Tilly all night via my rabbit shed camera. She ate & drank normally but whenever she ate her head would tilt further to the right. I also noticed she would be sitting quietly & then she would have a ‘tic’ motion followed by her head moving to the right again. Tilly did fight these pulls to the right by putting her head as straight as she could, this continued for most of the night.
First thing in the morning I got her to the vets & it is possible she has got E. Cuniculi due to the head tilt symptom but to confirm she had bloods done. Her ears were also checked & seemed ok but if there was a middle ear infection we wouldn’t know as you can’t see that far into the ear. So she is also on antibiotics to cover any infection. The only other abnormal things were the morning of the vets she did a pile of abnormal dark, wet, small poo & she looked like she’d had some discharge from one nostril. I could also hear her a little clicky noise in the nose area. On the positive her head tilt had improved.
The latest is that Tilly has improved & her head tilt is 95% better, however she isn’t her usual self yet. The bloods have not come back but we’re hoping they’ll be in on Monday. Tilly is also resisting her medication even wrapped up as a bunny burrito & the stress is knocking her off her food.
Oh Tilly. Hope you get well soon.