This lovable cheeky chap knows just how to cause a lot of destruction. Cardboard boxes, paper, his pen all fair game, I can even forgive him for chewing the desk, it’s behind him on the photo, but he’s gone too far this time. Pesky Peanut has decided Tilly’s heat mat was on his hit list. First thing he picked on was the heat mat cable. The heat mat cable does have two protective wire casings around it so luckily he just managed one. So I repaired it with black gaffer tape but that didn’t bother Peanut.

The cardboard box was also a target, which actually worked out fine except it gave him easier access to the cable. Tilly also helped with the box which is fine.

I was actually quite annoyed at him for doing the cable damage but this next bit of destruction was just too far.

Talk about ruining something. The thing is he must have been a determined little fella as the heat mat was wrapped in a towel & inside a pillow case! He managed to get through the lot. I did gaffer tape the edges where he chewed it but he wasn’t bothered. He even chewed the zip off the outer cover of the heat mat so how I am going to get that off when its no longer needed is anyone’s guess. I have to say though that I am very lucky he only chews & doesn’t eat it. Since the mat attack, I have wrapped the mat in a towel & put it into two pillowcases. Amazingly, he has been leaving it alone. It’s a hard balance as you don’t want the heat not to come through for Tilly.