Daisy & Apollo Reclaim the Shed.

Apollo taking a break from chinning the desk.

It was Apollo & Daisy’s turn to ‘reclaim’ the shed after Tilly & Peanut’s last playout but first Daisy went visiting them.

Daisy tried to get Peanut’s attention.
She finally got Tilly & Peanut’s attention & did a giddy skip to celebrate!

Meanwhile Apollo went exploring the little set up of boxes & tunnels.

Apollo finishes the box investigation.
Then it’s through the pipe a few times.
Daisy does some reclaiming.
Apollo wonders what to do next.
He too does some reclaiming while Daisy finishes chinning the desk.
They both then meet for a conflab
Apollo goes back to sniff out interesting smells which he can smell here.
Definitely interesting.
Ooo & this towel smells interesting too.
Daisy finds some branches & tucks in.
Then she heads home to check I have cleaned their pen properly.

All in all a productive day for them!

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