Thumper’s Op

Thumper relaxing.

Well, we’re back folks. Been a manic couple of weeks. So a Thumper update, in a previous post I mentioned it was found he had spurs on his upper left molars but due to the pus incident, it was decided to go ahead with a dental.
On Monday poor Thumper headed to the vets, fortunately he is not an old 8.5 year old but the anaesthetic risk was still quite high.  It was a worrying day.
Anyway, Thumper survived the op & it was good news all round. So no pus was found or any sign of infection anywhere in his mouth. The spurs weren’t that bad but worth doing & checking the pus situation out. In fact the vet said his teeth were very good for an old boy & he is in fine fettle. Perfect for me to hear, such a relief.

Thumper was very happy to come home & relax with Katie:

Thumper loved up with Katie.

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