Easy Love.

Peanut a much happier bun, thanks to Molly.

Peanut has really struggled to deal with life after Tilly’s death. He just could not cope with having to deal with situations on his own,  Tilly was his support.  He lost trust in me for a while but I kept his routine the same & didn’t force him to come to me. In the meantime I had secured a female bunny who unfortunately had not been neutered as she hadn’t even got to the sanctuary yet.  She was from their waiting list. I knew I needed to get a female bun in the shed & set them up near Peanut so that is why I took her so early.

From my previous posts you will know the new bunny is called Molly.  After her arrival, within a couple of days Peanut’s eating had improved. He was leaving over 70% of his food, mainly eating the veg & thankfully his hay.  He’d also started to lose some weight due to this.  It was a worrying time as I couldn’t comfort him due to his panicky nature.  The first step I took was to let Peanut out in the shed so he could visit her.  It was a very promising start.

Chin rubs first to get his smell across to her.
Then some kisses.
And more kisses – my forward little lad.

I also let Molly out & she too went visiting Peanut & everybody else but I was pleased to see she visited Peanut the most. There was much excitement.  After Molly’s op & recovery the day came for them to meet.  They used Toffee & Poppy’s pen as it is a stand alone pen, that way there was no interfering from the other bunnies, they just can’t help themselves. It was also neutral territory which is very important to have when you bond bunnies. No one has claim, so no one gets territorial.

Peanut having a rather good sniff of Molly while she was distracted by food.

When bonding I provide distractions so there isn’t any really intense moments created.  It keeps things more relaxed. So I provided boxes that were the other bunnies to keep the neutral element & a favourite food, for example grass to encourage eating together to help them bond.  After this first meet, Peanut was smitten & that was that.  Absolutely marvellous as such an easy pair.  I did monitor carefully though as you just never know.  So glad I have a rabbit shed camera.  Here are some of the loved up couple:

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