Well Molly has certainly proved she is a perfect match for Peanut. Together they are the destructive duo! The amount of mess, damage & mischief these two get up to make them one of the most destructive couples I have ever had. In previous posts we’ve all seen how naughty Peanut can be & now Molly has joined him.

I can forgive them this as a lot of the bunnies love to make a tunnel through the bales. However, notice I said tunnel not tunnels? Well these two especially Molly didn’t just stop at one:

And let’s not forget, they have to spread the dug out hay around:

Fortunately, Peanut doesn’t eat it & nor does Molly. Thank goodness.

As destructive as these two are, I can’t really be mad at them as they have had such a darn good time.