That Time Again – Vaccinations.


Hello Folks, firstly forgive my appearance, my mum was just about to groom me but I needed my photo taken before the light went. This miserable rainy weather needs to go away so we can all play outside.
Speaking of playing outside, we can safely play outside now as a couple of weeks ago we were all vaccinated. We had the combined vaccine that protects us against Myxomatosis (Myxo), Viral Haemorrhagic Disease, (VHD1), also known as Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease1,(RHD1), & Viral Haemorrhagic Disease2, (VHD2) or (RHD2) as it is also known.

I know we bleat on about this every year but we absolutely have to. Please vaccinate your bunny whether they are house or outside bunnies, all are at risk. If you have adopted from a sanctuary then please listen to their advice, they’re not just advising for the fun of it. If you don’t vaccinate & your bunny gets one of the diseases it will lead to a painful death & a needless one. It will be your fault if you lose your bunny to one of these diseases because you haven’t vaccinated. There is no getting away from that fact.

I am feeling particularly strongly about it this year as I got to know of a story from a rabbit sanctuary where two separate families contacted them asking if they could adopt as they had lost their bunnies to sudden deaths. One family had four rabbits & three had died within 48hrs of each other. Immediately this rang alarm bells that it could be VHD; the symptoms seemed to fit. Sadly, a day later the fourth bunny died suddenly. The sanctuary confirmed that the rabbits had not been vaccinated.
The second family lost both their bunnies suddenly also within hours of each other, once again the symptoms seemed to fit. This family had adopted one of their bunnies from the sanctuary & had not kept up with the vaccinations. It beggars belief that some people just don’t bother with the vaccinations, then they wonder why the deaths happen & are so upset. So I implore anyone who has any bunnies please do get us vaccinated & keep us vaccinated.
If you’d like to read any further information on these diseases then pleaseĀ click here.

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