Poppy’s Problem.


Whilst Toffee was ill, Poppy took advantage being the greedy girl she is & ate most of his food as well as her own plus the hay. I did reduce everything but felt I had to leave enough in the food dish & enough hay that if Toffee felt hungry he would eat something. Poppy thought this was great & grazed on it all day piling on the grams.

Toffee just wanted comfort from Poppy whilst he was ill.

Normally Poppy weighs in at around 2.5kg but she shot up to just under 2.7kg in just over a couple of weeks & kept gaining taking her to 2.9kg.  I almost thought something was wrong with her thyroid she had put so much weight on so quickly. It was a shock.

Poppy not happy at her weigh in – mind you neither was I!

The consequences of this weight gain is that she is too fat to eat the right amount of her ceacotrophs, this has resulted in her having very soft poos that are sticking to her underneath, basically causing a bit of a mess. I have put her on a strict diet & now Toffee isn’t being handled as much he is being fed separately. It also means she is having to have the odd bath which surprisingly she is very tolerant of.

Poppy drying off a bit after her bath.

So far the diet is working & she is now down to 2.85kg after a week but she is still having to have the odd bath.

Poppy & Toffee snuggling up.

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