So it’s that time of year where the moult is starting, leading the way is Thumper. Time for the combs to come out in force.

A good comb was in order.

If you study the two photos above you can see that Thumper has moulted from his neck to his shoulders. His back is now starting. I foresee more combing. When it’s as bad as Thumper I always comb and help them get rid of the lose fur. You don’t want them ingesting so much.

Some bunnies have subtle moults but you can get just as much fur off them by combing as you can from one who is obviously moulting.

Bob’s moult is subtle but you can see the odd bit of fur stuck out to the side on his left and if you look closely from the hips, down his back to his tail you can see the fur looks ‘dead’. It is a very slightly different shade and a lot of that fur is loose.

You might be able to see that his coat is uneven around his hips and is a little two tone. This is because quite a lot of fur was combed out of this region and it is now a mix of moulting fur, not yet ready to comb out, and his new coat.

The comb results are the amount of fur that didn’t get away, an awful lot from Thumper and Bob did fly off into the air. The other bunnies are moulting but it is not coming out in tufts like Thumper’s, it is much more subtle so there is a lot in the air and in every corner of the shed. The photo below is the latest comb out of Bob and Bungle. Once again both are still being subtle about it but a lot of fur is coming out.

Best thing you can do is keep combing and combing until they get through it or they no longer need the help. Happy Combing!!!!