The Content Couple.

Poppy relaxing against Apollo.

Poppy and Apollo have passed their tests to become a bonded pair. One of their tests when they moved back into the shed was to be able to have other bunnies near them without them falling out. Conveniently, I had a couple of holiday bunnies staying so they were able to participate in the test.

Poppy & Apollo with Pixi nearby.

I placed the holiday bunnies pen near to Apollo and Poppy’s to see how they reacted to other bunnies. Neither bothered until I let Pixi, one of the holiday bunnies play out. There was the usual running up and down but Poppy and Apollo never fell out. So this was a very good sign.

Poppy leaning well into Apollo.

It wasn’t all plain sailing though when they first returned to the shed. The pen I put them in proved to be too large.  They had too much space which meant they were keeping away from each other and I could see their bond was going to break, so I reduced the size of the pen for about a week.  Shortly after the pen was reduced I was seeing more scenes like the one above. The best pictures of them were taken via the night cam hence the black /white images.

Apollo snuggles round Poppy.
Make what you will of this photo but there are two bunnies together. Neither moved position for quite some time.

From the reduced pen they progressed to a full size pen, passing as said before the next door bunny test and then onto their permanent pen. They have both moved into Apollo’s pen but I had Bob and Bungle living it whilst they were bonding. They eradicated all of Apollo’s smell over the weeks.  The final result:

Poppy and Apollo snuggled together even with Peanut sat next to them.

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