Settling In.

This is usually how it runs with Bob & Bungle. Bob crashed out & Bungle up and about.

It’s been several months since I adopted Bob and Bungle. They still remain nervous bunnies but there is progress. Bob will now take a treat when I am grooming him, on occasion he will come up to me and very occasionally he will be interested in what I am doing. Bungle on the other hand is a lot more distrusting, she does not like to be picked up and that poor heart of hers still beats away at a million miles an hour when held.  She is still quite wary when I am about but there have been small steps, on occasion I have been able to stroke her and she has come to see what I am doing when cleaning their pen.

Here is Bob doing some of his favourite things:

Bob’s first handling session. He went straight to the windowsill and…
Bob promptly sits on some pictures while having a nosy in the grey box.
Now he thinks I can’t pick him up.
Bob trying to hide.
He loves to be up high.

Bob’s best loved pastime is relaxing.

Bungle also likes to relax but not so much when a human is about. She is happy though to have a mooch.

Bungle has sussed out her favourite treat is scattered amongst the boxes.

All in all they are doing really well but I know from experience they will take a long time to fully trust and relax with us humans. Patience is the key.

One way of building trust is with treats. They were more than happy to come to me then.

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