It’s been several months since I adopted Bob and Bungle. They still remain nervous bunnies but there is progress. Bob will now take a treat when I am grooming him, on occasion he will come up to me and very occasionally he will be interested in what I am doing. Bungle on the other hand is a lot more distrusting, she does not like to be picked up and that poor heart of hers still beats away at a million miles an hour when held. She is still quite wary when I am about but there have been small steps, on occasion I have been able to stroke her and she has come to see what I am doing when cleaning their pen.
Here is Bob doing some of his favourite things:

Bob’s best loved pastime is relaxing.
Bungle also likes to relax but not so much when a human is about. She is happy though to have a mooch.

All in all they are doing really well but I know from experience they will take a long time to fully trust and relax with us humans. Patience is the key.