Bunny Christmas Pressie.

Sprout Tree.

The bunnies are treated to a sprout tree every Christmas. Last year it didn’t go down to well mainly because a lot of them were too lazy to make an effort with it. This year was very different.  I would just like to say the bunnies only have the sprout tree for a couple of hours at a time as sprouts are quite hard to digest and some of mine would rather overdo it.

Peanut was the first to get the tree and he didn’t waste any time.
Once Molly heard the crunching she was straight to it.
The tree after Peanut & Molly had their turn.

Next up was Apollo and Poppy.  Now last year Apollo was scared of the sprout tree.  This was after the tree slightly swung back to him after he’d had a good munch and unfortunately it hit him and scared him.  He refused to go near it after that despite Daisy and mines best efforts. So I was very interested to see how he would react this time.

Poppy knows the drill and gets in there.
Amazingly, Apollo soon followed and had a good munch.

I do admit though I did place the tree where it wouldn’t get much of a swing on it when Apollo bit into it. No point scaring him again. Next was Bob and Bungle who to the best of my knowledge have never had a sprout tree.

Bungle cautiously approaches while Bob isn’t so sure.
Bungle satisfied it’s a good thing gets munching whereas Bob decided he’d ignore it.
The tree after Bob and Bungle. Not sure Bob had any maybe next year.

Finally it went to Katie and Thumper. I chose them last as Katie is rather a big greedy girl and I didn’t want her overdoing it in half an hour.  The tree also has to be put at the height where Thumper can reach meaning Katie would have access to the entire tree in which to stuff herself.

Thumper knows exactly what to do as it’s probably his ninth tree and as it’s food, Katie is straight in there.

The tree did the rounds one more time and when it finally got back to Thumper and Katie it looked like this:

About a quarter or less of the stalk left.
That fact it was just a stalk didn’t stop Thumper or Katie and they finished it off.

So I can say the sprout tree was a success this year with the majority of them, perhaps Bob might have a go this Christmas.

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