Teddy Back to Normal.


Monday evening Teddy turned a corner & started to eat more & produce more poos.  They weren’t normal, very small & dark, but at least his guts were moving. I gave him lots of exercise on the back garden in the hope that too would help his guts start moving & keep his spirits up. Tuesday he was back to normal, eating eagerly & bounding about as normal, thank goodness. All his medication stopped then.

This bout of gut issues is Teddy’s first & I guess we must have tempted fate with his Rabbit Awareness blog by saying he’d never had gut stasis!
Generally the gut stasis doesn’t last as long as this in my rabbits so it was a bit too prolonged for my liking.

One of the best things Teddy did whilst ill was he kept drinking & eating small quantities of hay which meant he was getting some good fibre & kept hydrated. This would help his guts.

Let’s hope Teddy stays this way for good & we have no more gut stasis episodes. It is not known what caused his gut stasis.

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