Not sure why but for some reason Annie & Patch have started their Autumn moult early, in fact both have been at it now for a few weeks. Usually it is about September time before the moults begin.
Rabbits typically start a moult from the head downwards. As you can see from the photo below, Annie’s moult has now progressed down her back. The sides will start soon.

When the moult starts & gets to Annie’s stage I start the grooming regime. There is no hard & fast rule on how often you groom them, I tend to assess each rabbit individually. If a lot of fur is shedding I usually groom everyday. In Annie’s case I am finding twice a week is enough, however I do occasionally increase that if more fur is wanting to come out.

As for Patch, she is about 1-2 weeks ahead of Annie in shedding her coat. As you might see from the photo below her back has shed & three quarters of the way down her sides. You might just see the line she has shed to about a quarter of the way up from her feet. Look for her fur sticking out near her back paw.

The last stage of a moult, is the coat at their rump starts to shed. I find this is an area where you can literally comb until the cows come home! It seems to go on forever.
You should be able to see from the photo below that just above Patch’s fluffy tail there is fur sticking out ready to shed. Also there is more shedding to do yet from her side roughly where the single brown spot is down to her feet. Patch is a little more complicated then Annie as she does have a fluffy skirt in some areas. This is because her breed of Lionhead not only have manes but can have skirts too. Patch doesn’t have a full skirt she has more area’s of separate mini skirts.

I’m just hoping no one else starts yet because it can be quite a furry time with 8 rabbits shedding. The fur gets everywhere.
Teddy’s coat is a particularly difficult one when he sheds as it is so dense & often matts together.

Toffee’s coat is another difficult one as his coat is more wool like. In fact very much like an Angora. Toffee has to have regular grooms throughout the year to keep on top of his coat.