Teddy & Daisy’s Playtime.

“Hmn, Where shall I go first?”

Teddy assessing the play area.

Teddy & Daisy had a good play in the shed.  Both did lots of exploring.

Teddy finally decides to head to the box first.
Whereupon he meets Daisy.
Teddy can’t decide what is next.
The oak is next & lots of chinning.
Teddy unsure about the cat bed.
Meanwhile Daisy hits the pipe for a good smell.
Both set off for a sprint.
Daisy has found an interesting smell while Teddy looks on.
Thirsty work says Daisy. Meanwhile Teddy’s found an interesting smell.
Back to exploring but Daisy’s heard a noise….
…that would be Big Ted jumping onto the box.

Seen as the weather was fine & not too cold, Daisy & Teddy got to play outside for a while.

Teddy can’t decide what to do first while Daisy has a munch.
Daisy having a good smell & later does a lot of chinning.
Back inside for a quick snack of hay.
Teddy keen not to miss out on his snack of hay.

I am hoping the rota I have devised as to who gets to play around the shed all day manages to keep their winter boredom at bay.

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