Daisy the Destroyer!

Daisy so sweet….

Daisy looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth but she has been very busy this week.  Daisy has turned into Daisy the Destroyer!

Daisy’s handiwork. She has managed to trash her entire pen.
As you can see, she has moved everything around & dug all newspaper up. Teddy assesses the mess.

Time to clean Daisy & Teddy’s pen out.

Ahh! Clean & tidy.
Aargh! Not for long. Within hours Daisy completely trashes all of her pen.
Teddy sitting in a relatively clean spot. He denies any involvement in the trashing.
Daisy comes to check Teddy isn’t incriminating her.
Daisy relaxing against her Big Ted after a few hard hours of trashing.

The trashing of pens is a very annoying trait from my point of view.  It makes it harder to clean the pen out, toilet areas are thrown all over the place causing stronger smells & this also seems to encourage them to toilet anywhere including their upstairs.
However, all that said I cannot be mad at Daisy as she has had a fantastic time doing it & really enjoys it. I think Teddy plays a small part too.  No doubt there will be more trashing in the coming weeks.

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