Patch’s Miracle.

Patch enjoying her companions company.

After the previous grim post on Patch, things have taken a turn for the better.  Remarkably, the broken bone has done more healing & there is now a large callous around the break. This means that the leg is not moving as much as before at the break & has resulted in Patch being able to urinate without getting it all over herself. It has surprised us all & quite frankly feels nothing short of a miracle after the last few weeks. Everything is not one hundred percent though, she is still suffering from tummy upsets & occasionally will leave some of her dry food. She is not consistent with the leaving of food, it sometimes feels quite random. However, she is bright in herself, interested in what is going on & generally moving about well.

Patch always up for a cuddle with her companion.

So, the way things are going at the moment for Patch, she is still confined for now but is having ten to fifteen minutes a day exercise. She is on Fibreplex, a probiotic,  twice a day & every couple of days I am checking both back legs. The urine burn has stopped & the fur is growing back on her leg, I still can’t believe it.  The bunnies are due their other vaccinations soon & when that happens, Patch will have a review with the vet.

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