It’s that time again for a weight check on the bunnies & they all need a claw clip. The weigh in & the claw clip is a good time to check each bunny & see if there are any health problems that have not shown themselves through symptoms.

Daisy is looking good & has lost some weight which is great. She has been on a diet. Up next was Toffee.

Toffee was also looking good & his weight remains stable. He was also in for his twice weekly comb too.

Tilly’s weight is good & whilst clipping her claws I found what looked like an injury on one of her toes, it has healed now but next time there is a vet visit, I want it checked.

Fortunately, even though Thumper hates being handled, he let me crack on with the weight check & claw clip. I found a broken claw on Thumper, so have tidied it up.

Teddy doesn’t mind the weigh in but he does not like the claw clip. For one, he has ticklish feet & two, he’s the biggest baby in the shed & does easily become panicked. After lots of treats & drafting in a helper, Teddy finally got his claws clipped.

Rumble always digs the towel of the scales so he has to be put on without the towel which means he can’t grip very well, this makes him anxious when on the scales. Afterwards, he does get a treat & then on to claw clipping.

Patch had her claws clipped at the vets a couple of weeks ago so lucky for her she just had a weigh in. She’s doing really good with her weight & I shall post an update on her soon. No weigh in photo of Patch, just too scary to leave on the scales unattended, even for a few seconds.