Annie & Thumper Have a Shed Play Day.

Annie & Thumper had their first shed play day.  Annie was a little nervous of coming out & exploring, as you can see in the video she does go back home.  Before any exploration, whether it be inside or outside, Annie will always check her immediate surroundings first & make sure she knows the way back to her home. She is the one who does this the most & is very diligent in doing it, I do wonder if it is because she has been a mummy bunny. Annie eventually does go out & explore.

First stop the bin bags, bite a little hole in one & it’s amazing what treats fall out!

The one time I forget to put the bin bags up high!

Things to squeeze through always a favourite.
Annie checked out her box. & satisfied all ok heads off.

Thumper enjoys his investigations on his first time out.

Thumper all a blur having a speedy run.
Thumper quickly checking out skirting board.
Thumper meets up with Annie exploring the nooks & crannies.
It is tiring doing all that exploring, so Annie & Thumper go home to a nice clean bed & relax.

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