Thumper & Katie’s Enjoyable Evening Out.

Katie realises the gate is open to freedom.

Even though Katie realises the gate is open to freedom, it would seem it’s more important to scoff the clover just over the threshold. I have to admit, she is a girl who likes her food.

The munching continues.
Thumper goes straight to paying a visit to Tilly.
Peanut is not impressed with Thumper’s visit, so sends Tilly away.
Katie follows Thumper to see Peanut & munch the clover clump!
Time to investigate a bit of garden renovation.
And a run back down the soil strip!
Thumper not wanting to miss out, does his usual sniffing to discover what is what.
Thumper also decides to have a little run.
Thumper has a quick visit to Apollo on his way home.
Katie heads home too.
Thumper checks Katie is following whilst she takes a last look before going home.
Aaah, time to have a relax after all that exploring.

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