A few weeks back Molly had her spay operation through the sanctuary. Neutering for both sexes is essential for your rabbit to live a healthy & long life. It is an absolute must for a female. An unneutered female will have her lifespan seriously diminished by the very high chance she will at some point have uterine cancer. This is why I always have my females done. If you want to know more about neutering & my experiences please click here.
She was fairly groggy when I got her home so I made sure she had a nice soft heated bed & plenty of water & a little food to eat. She was definitely not into eating any food which I wouldn’t have expected her to do so soon. She did however drink a fair bit of water, which is the best thing they can do to help flush out the anaesthetic. As you can see from the photo she was using the water dish as a head rest too.
I closely monitored her for the rest of the night & by morning she was much better. I returned her to the shed as they recover much better in a familiar environment. I did restrict her movement as I didn’t want her doing any speedy runs or anything daft like that. So I halved the size of her pen.
It is a big op for a female bunny & they often take a few days to get over it. She was a little quiet over the next couple of days & definitely needed her painkillers. Her eating was off for a day or so only really eating her favourite veg & any other tempting things I offered. She did eat her hay though which was a really good thing. Eventually her eating improved & after forty eight hours her eating was back to normal.

Her wound in the photo was still inflamed & she had started with a little infection. I was just to monitor as it was likely it would heal itself, which it did.