Moulting in the bunny shed is well underway & poor Thumper is having a terrible time of it, as you can see from the photo above. It is most unusual for Thumper to need help moulting but it does happen that the bunnies who don’t normally need help, need a good groom. Thumper has almost fully moulted down to his rump, you can see the tide line, (the line where the coat has moulted to), clearly. He also has a bit on his shoulders to go yet.
It is moults like this where I feel bunnies need extra help to shed their coat. So Thumper was in for some intense grooming & this was the result:

Thumper is a small bunny & you can see by the size of the comb I managed to get a massive pile of fur off him. If I didn’t bother & just left him to it there is the potential for health problems. The most serious one being he could ingest a lot of fur causing gut stasis. As the digestive system slows down the fur will compact & the only way to rectify that is an operation to remove the hair, not something you want when your rabbit is unwell or if they are a senior bunny like Thumper. The only thing you can do is to groom your bunny as & when required but remember you are never going to get it all off at the one time. So don’t worry if by the end it looks like you’ve not done much.

Even though Thumper didn’t particularly enjoy his groom I am sure he must have felt a lot better for it. He also got his favourite treat afterwards so I was forgiven.