Master Wind Up Merchant!

Thumper about to destroy some of Peanut and Molly’s box.

When my bunnies have free play of the shed, just one pair at a time, they do love to wind the other bunnies up. Thumper is a master at it especially with Peanut, he knows just what buttons to press. It was cleaning day so some of Peanut’s things were out of his pen and became Thumper’s target.

Thumper does some loud digging on the side of Peanut’s box pulling out the hay.

Peanut’s reaction…

What the heck is he doing to my box?
Peanut frustrated he can’t get Thumper and Molly wisely stays out of the way watching from above.

Peanut will get his own back next time he is playing around the shed, carpet digging near Thumper will get him all worked up.

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