Best Thing Ever.

Bungle made a good start on the new box with Bob heading to help out.

Cardboard boxes are one of my bunnies’ favourite things. I don’t think there is one bunny who doesn’t like a good chew on one, of course there are some bunnies who make it their mission to destroy the boxes. Bob and Bungle are two of them. Here is how the boxes are faring this winter.

Bob and Bungle’s work. Fair enough a nice neat hole to go through.
The other side had already been made.
A few days later things had gone too far.
What a mess!
The weak Amazon box too far gone to be of any use now.
Poppy has her stash of boxes to be getting on with when she is playing out.
A new stronger box.
This is Bob and Peanut’s work after a couple of days.
The exit hole is also made.
The box 7-10 days later after everyone had a couple of goes at it.
Bob in the aftermath wanting to know where the box has gone.
A third new box. Apollo already making a start.

I estimate this new box might survive a couple of weeks. I think I’d better start looking around for a replacement though.

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