To make life more comfortable for my bunnies & to stop anyone overheating in this current heatwave, I have put a couple of measures in place to help. The first is to give each pair a cool block although Teddy & Daisy have a cool water bottle as I don’t have enough cool blocks to go round. The bottle & blocks have been in the freezer & initially I wrapped a towel round each one but everybody unwrapped them as if it was Christmas except for Toffee & Patch!
So now everyone has the option of lying against the cool blocks.

My second measure is to put an ice cube in their water dish to help keep the water cool.

Toffee & Patch also needed one more thing to help them keep cool outside & that was a simple blanket draped over their pen to give them more shade.

The other bunnies do not need a blanket as they have access back into their shed & that is kept quite cool by having the windows open, the top half of the stable door open & the roof windows open. The roof windows are the most valuable as they help keep a gently breeze circulating.