Monthly Weigh, Nail Clip & a Good Comb.

Tilly not impressed to be weighed.

It’s a time of year where everything has come at once for the bunnies. There monthly weigh in & 3 monthly nail clip was due & because they are moulting a good comb was in order too.

First thing was the weigh in…

Annie ready to get off the scales.
Thumper also wanting to get off the scales.
But sorry Thumper there is more to do!

All weights good except Rumble who has lost again. Not happy about that but will monitor for another week.
After their weigh in was a nail clip. No bunny photos of this as it was all ‘hands on deck’ as they say.  Fortunately, I did have an extra pair of hands to help courtesy of Aunty D.

The aftermath!

Then finally the comb.

Tools at the ready.
Daisy turned her back on me while awaiting a comb.
Toffee awaiting his comb wishing he was outside.
Annie showing the fur sticking up ready to comb out.
Annie trying to keep relaxed as she is being brushed.
Patch is in the final stage of her moult which is her rump.
Thumper has only just started his moult so it’s the head & back showing the signs for now.
Teddy glad the ordeal is over with.

It was also a good time for me to do a quick health check too so ears, nose, eyes & a quick feel for any lumps. Pleased to report all good although as ever poor Rumble had to have his face cleaned due to his allergy.

Rumble with mucky face from soil digging.

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