Deja Vu!

Here we go again it’s fur time! Lots & lots of combing & eating fur!!!
There is also a Rumble update at the bottom of the page.

Side view of Annie before her comb.

Top view of Annie before her comb.
Side view of Annie after her comb.

She was truly fed up by the end but it had to be done.  As you can see she still has some shedding to do yet.

Top view of Annie after her comb.
Annie’s fur pile!

Toffee was up next.

Top view of Toffee before his comb.
Top view of Toffee after his comb.
Toffee’s fur pile.

Toffee has a lot more shedding to do too.  Next was the most difficult bunny, Daisy, not because of her coat but her attitude.  And she never stays still long enough for a decent photo!!

Top view of Daisy before her comb.
Side view of Daisy before her comb.
Top view of Daisy after her comb.
Side view of Daisy after her comb.
Daisy’s fur pile.

Daisy was kind enough to get those teeth out again but fortunately she just missed me. Her coat seems to be shedding all at once it’s coming out by the handful from nearly every part of her body.  There is a lot more to shed too.

It is important that any owner keeps on top of the grooming when their rabbit is moulting.  If you do not remove the loose dead fur there is a great possibility that the rabbit will ingest a huge quantity.  If anything goes wrong with their guts when that happens the rabbit could be in serious trouble of gut stasis & require an operation to remove all the dead fur.

Rumble hiding, not wanting to be weighed.

Rumble finished his antibiotics earlier in the week & things seemed ok but then a day later a little food was left & he didn’t seem as keen for food as normal.  The mucus has improved, in fact so much there is hardly any.  His eye has been producing clear tears the last 3 days so he has been having 1 drop of Maxitrol eye drops per day.  Tilly & Rumble were weighed & as I suspected Tilly has gained & Rumble lost.

The question is has the infection not cleared or is Rumble wanting attention everyday?  Rumble has been known to act sick in order to get attention & nicer food in the past. Since I have gone back to picking him up & medicating him he appears to be eating well & his keenness has returned. I am monitoring him for now & will see how he goes in the next 48 hours. I would rather avoid a car journey to the vets if possible especially after last time.
Rumble does not travel well.




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