Winter Lodgers.


The bunnies have taken three lodgers in. Twinkle, Ava & Poppet, who are all female hedgehogs.

Sisters, Ava & Poppet.

These girls are from a hedgehog sanctuary & were in need of a fosterer to over winter them. Over wintering means these hedgehogs are too underweight to hibernate & cannot be released yet, so need a place to stay over winter.

One of the girls having her weekly weigh in.

It is important that the hedgehog’s weight is monitored as they need to be gaining a substantial amount of weight over the winter period. Ideally getting to 800 grams.

Another one of the girls having a weigh.

All three need to gain another 100-150g to reach their target weight.

Lots of hay always stays attached!

Once these girls have reached their ideal weight & spring has arrived, they will return to the wild. How great is that!

So what did the bunnies think?

Toffee checking out Twinkle & Twinkle checking out Toffee.

Toffee as you can from the above photo was intrigued.  Most of the bunnies didn’t really bat an eyelid at the newcomers.  The only bunny to worry was Thumper, as he doesn’t like any kind of change in his shed. He soon settled though.


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