Fly Strike Season Again.


It’s that time of year again where fly strike can occur. Earlier this month I set up my fly defences, for once not much is needed. I think with the cooler temperatures there are not as many flies about.
So far, all I have had to do is stick my fly window stickers in a couple of windows & spray Daisy with  the F10 solution. Daisy has to have this as she has a bad habit of sitting, lying & sleeping in her toilet areas, which she is doing in the photo above. This stains her fur & can produce a slight smell. She is clean at the back end but I still think it is possible she could attract flies. Not a risk I am willing to take so she gets a spray to cover her just in case.

One of my window stickers.

If you’d like to find out more about Flystrike click here.

Remember, if your bunny has fly strike it is a medical emergency & you must take your bunny to a vet asap.

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