Indoor Playtime.

Poppy’s first exploration of the shed.

So now winter is on the horizon, the bunnies don’t get to play outdoors as much, so to give them some exercise & interest, I usually put together an indoor play area for them.

The indoor play area.
I give them lots of tunnels to go through & things to jump on, which they love.

Toffee & Poppy were one of the pairs to have a first exploration, it was extra exciting for Poppy as she has never explored the shed before.

All the bunnies like access to the hay bales, hence the box next to it. It provides a good platform to tuck in.
Poppy examining the pipe while Toffee investigates the boxes.
Poppy thinks about her next move while Toffee is off!
Visiting time, Toffee sees his Ex!
Poppy joins Toffee but not sure Tilly is pleased.
Poppy decides the cupboards are more interesting while Toffee dozes.

It was cleaning day the day these two played out so there were extra things to catch their attention. Like the vacuum cleaning pipe.

Toffee investigating the vacuum pipe. The poor pipe always gets attention hence the tape wrapped around the pipe!

It’s surprising how strong bunny teeth are & one bunny in particular loves to chew the pipe.

Toffee back to the play area for interesting smells.
Poppy also wants a smell.
Poppy carries on her exploration albeit a little nervously.
Toffee meanwhile just ponders.

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