Unique Toffee.


Toffee has some very unique behaviour,  he seems to have acquired more unusual behaviour the older he becomes. His latest is turning his pen inside out!

The inside of his pen being put outdoors.
Quite a lot at this point.

And here’s how he made a start for the second time, persevere with it for the end results, he does take some short breaks! Poppy doesn’t understand what he is doing apart from messing up her pen & Annie, next door, watches & wonders what he is doing too.


Toffee has a break but he’s nearly finished.
All finished – the shredded paper where Toffee wants it.

The only explanation I can give for his behaviour,  is that Toffee is very fastidious about where things are in his pen.  If he doesn’t like where something is put, he will move it no matter what it is. So I guess I am putting the shredded paper in the wrong place!

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