Vaccination Time.

Tilly wanting a word.

Right all you bunny parents & potential parents, it’s time for a chat.  My name is Tilly & I wanted to do this particular post myself as I feel it’s very important. Earlier this week myself & my fellow bunnies were all vaccinated against the three dreadful diseases that effect my wild cousins & us domestic bunnies.  These diseases are as follows:

Myxomatosis, often shortened to Myxo.
VHD1. Also, know as RHD1.
VHD2. Also, know as RHD2.

All three have terrible symptoms, here are some of the symptoms:

  • Blindness, fever, lumps, loss of appetite. (Myxo).
  • Difficulty breathing, convulsions, staggering, bloodstained discharge from nose or mouth. (VHD1).
  • Weight loss, Jaundice. (VHD2).

All usually cause a painful death. It’s ugly & nasty, my mum has seen it.

Now you may be mistaken to think that house bunnies are safe from these diseases, well they are NOT.  So I would like to introduce you all to my two house bunny friends Heidi, a beautiful Dutch girl, on the left of the photo & her husbun, Toby, on the right of the photo, a rather handsome Harlequin cross if I don’t say so myself.  Don’t tell Peanut I said that!!! Anyway, I shall pass you over to these two.

Heidi & Toby

Thanks for the introduction Tilly, right folks, Tilly is correct in saying that us house bunnies need protection. We have a responsible & caring mum who sees that we have our vaccination every year, so we can rest in the knowledge we are protected from these terrible diseases. So let us explain, take Myxomatosis, it is a virus that is transmitted by biting insects that have fed on an infected rabbit. These could be mosquitos, mites, lice, & rabbit fleas. These biting insects can be carried on any other animals living in the home, which then can easily carry it back to us house bunnies.
We’re not safe from VHD either, both VHD diseases are transmitted by carriers of  VHD, such as infected insects, birds, flies & other animals, particularly rodents which can host the virus after being exposed to it.  It’s not just other animals, you humans can carry it but on your clothes, it does not affect humans you can just spread it. So you see how we are at risk.
We would also have thought with the recent events in the world regarding your pandemic that many of you will now understand the importance of vaccination & know it is a must for protection.  In a way, these diseases are like our own little pandemic, which hopefully we live with rather than die from. So we would ask that you vaccinate us house bunnies too. Thank you for reading our little excerpt on Tilly’s post & we shall pass you back to her. Tilly….

Right, yes. Thank you Heidi & Toby.  Let’s briefly talk about the vaccine. We have had the latest vaccine this year which is one that combines the Myxo & both VHD vaccines together, so instead of having the two jabs to protect us against three diseases, we now only have to have one, which is fab & cheaper!  So there is no excuse – if you really do care about us, you will vaccinate us so we are safe & protected from a painful death.

Now take a look at brave little Toffee & of course myself getting ready for our jabs & if you want any further information on the diseases check out the Vaccination page.

Toffee waiting for his vaccine
Me, checking out the vaccine first.


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