Apollo’s Vet Visit.

Apollo peeping out of the shade only to be blinded by the sun.

Earlier this month Apollo was due his vaccination for the three diseases that can be fatal to bunnies.  He was a very brave boy at the vets as he also had a full Mot.  Apollo is looking great & in fine fettle, the only slight issue is that there are a couple of spurs on his teeth.  However, if he keeps eating his hay there is a chance that they won’t ever be a problem, for now I am to monitor him & he will have another check.  Apollo had no ill effects after the vaccine.

The three diseases I mentioned earlier are:

VHD1 sometimes known as RHD1.
VHD2 sometimes known as RHD2.

All three of these diseases can inflict a lot of pain & in most cases it causes the death of the rabbit, a nasty death it is too.  Amazingly, there are still people out there who do not have their bunnies vaccinated, but I can’t stress what an absolute must it is.  It’s not just outdoor bunnies that are at risk, house rabbits can also receive the disease due to the way the diseases are transmitted.  Please click the link  to find out more about the symptoms, prognosis & vaccination.

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