Peanut & Molly Have a Traumatic Explore!

Peanut & Molly having a shed play.

It was cleaning day so I decided to open Peanut & Molly’s indoor pen gate to give them access to the shed if they wanted.  They also had their shutter up so they could go outside but the shed is a much more interesting place, especially if you’re a youngster like Molly. This girl was into everything:

Checking out the vacuum & claiming it for her own.
Just had a look at the new hay bales & a sneaky munch.

Molly exploring the cupboard.

She decides to help me put their veg away.
Molly thinking about what else is in the fridge.

Meanwhile Peanut is up to his usual destructive self:

Peanut can’t resist the wash basket.
Not satisfied with knocking it over he also had to go & dig in it too. Why not spread it all about.
Peanut then explores the tunnel all innocently.

Then after lunch I see this:

Molly with a good chunk of ear missing!

To say it was a shock to see is an understatement. I checked she was ok & gave her some painkiller.  She couldn’t have cared less, she was more concerned why I had picked her up & was pausing her good time. I searched the shed for blood & the missing ear to try & find out what had happened. No luck.  I then searched her outdoor pen still nothing.  How was it possible there was no blood & why couldn’t I find the ear piece? To me it looked like a bunny bite & I did have a couple of suspects but I couldn’t see how they’d managed it. Later that evening I checked the bunny camera recordings & I narrowed it down to a 10 minute window.  It was confirmed it happened in the outdoor pen & my two suspects were next door. Thumper does have a reputation of making his mark on any new bunnies & has done some unbelievable things to do it but Katie was a suspect too as she is very territorial. The outdoor pens have small squares over halfway up so I just cannot see how the ear was gotten hold of. If Katie could stretch that far Molly couldn’t. If only bunnies could talk!  Much to Molly’s relief I returned her to the shed & she met up with Peanut.

Time for a good munch on the new hay bales.

She then heard the fridge door…

Molly back to see what she could steal.

After all that exploring & trauma it was time for a rest.

Peanut having a good snuggle.

As for me I needed a stiff drink!

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