They say things come in threes & it did for most of the bunnies. Daisy, pictured above, had to be combed, weighed & have her nails clipped. She was not a happy bun after all that but a little treat soon calmed her down.

Teddy too had to have all three things. We got the comb & weigh out of the way first & then on to his nail clip. Teddy has ticklish feet so it was a touch tricky to say the least. Eventually, after many treats later he was all done.

After Annie’s weigh in & comb, next was the nail clip. Fortunately, Annie kept quite calm this time.

Luckily for Toffee & Patch it was just a comb & weigh in. I managed the nail clip last week.

All bunnies done until next week! At least it’ll just be a comb.